VersaMax Micro RTD expansion module for VersaMax Micro Pt 100, -100 to +600 C-150 to +1050 F 2 and 3 wire support (IC200UEX724)


The Micro line of VersaMax controllers provide superior functionality in a compact package.

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  • When you need amazing functionality in a compact package, the Micro line of controllers is right for you. Its modular design offers the features and flexibility to match your application needs, with fast cycle times, a robust instruction set, and extensive memory that multiplies your programming options.
  • They support a user friendly Memory Module that can easily connect to the controller to download the latest program changes without the need of a PC. Online programming enables the user to easily modify logic without stopping the controller
  • The small-footprint VersaMax Micro PLC offers the flexibility of modular design and a variety of built-in features, including up to 64 I/O points (expandable to 170 I/O points), fast cycle times, a robust instruction set and extensive memory that multiplies your programming options.


  • Part Number: IC200UEX724
